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© 2025 Arbeitnehmerkammer Bremen

Chamber of Employees

in Bremen

We act in your best interest

Are you an employee in Bremen state? If so, you are a member of the Arbeitnehmerkammer Bremen (Chamber of Employees), and as such you are entitled to range of services:

Legal Counselling

Our lawyers can give you free advice regarding industrial law or your national social insurance. This includes questions concerning your holidays, continued payment of your wages, redundancy or pension insurance.

If you would like to arrange an appointment, simply call

  • in Bremen
    at the telephone number: 0421/36301-29
  • in Bremerhaven
    at the telephone number: 0471/92235-0
  • in Bremen-Nord
    at the telephone number: 0421/66950-0

We can also give you legal advice when you are unemployed or if you have problems securing your livelihood. Should you need information, please call our office in Bremen and dial 0421/36301-23.

Tax Law Advice 

If you need assistance with your tax return, may we please ask you to arrange an appointment for personal counselling. 

If you would like to arrange an appointment, simply call

  • in Bremen
    at the telephone number: 0421/36301-59
  • in Bremerhaven
    at the telephone number: 0471/92235-59
  • in Bremen-Nord
    at the telephone number: 0421/66950-0

Legal Advice for People on Low Incomes 

On behalf of the state of Bremen, the Bremen Arbeitnehmerkammer (Chamber of Employees) offers "Öffentliche Rechtsberatung", which is a legal consultation service for anyone in Bremen on a low income, including our own members. Our consultation covers a wide range of legal issues, such as tenant's rights, sale contract law and family law. We have to charge a fee of 10 euros for your personal consultation, but this can be reduced or refunded in special cases.

If you would like to arrange an appointment, simply call

  • in Bremen
    at the telephone number: 0421/36301-41
  • in Bremerhaven
    at the telephone number: 0471/92235-0
  • in Bremen-Nord
    at the telephone number: 0421/66950-0

How to Reach Us 

Our office addresses, how to get there, opening times and other information can be found here (in German). 


Membership card free of charge

With our KammerCard, you are entitled to numerous privileges. Simply ask for your KammerCard next time you come to see us. To complete your KammerCard application, you should bring a confirmation of the name of your employer. 

You can also ask us to send you an application form via the post (which will be in German), or download it (pdf).

Education and Further Education 

Are you looking for a fresh start or change in your career? We can give you competent and free advice. Call us and arrange an appointment at the Wirtschafts- und Sozialakademie (WiSoAk) (Business and Social Academy). Here we can also provide you with the Bremen and Bremerhaven education programme for vocational and political education (in German).

Wirtschafts- und Sozialakadamie (Business and Social Academy)

Service Office Bremen
Telephone: 0421/4499-5

Service Office Bremerhaven
Telephone: 0471/595-0

Visit the Website
Write an Email

You don't speak German? AKB003_IconInfo

If you would like to come and see us personally, please bring someone along who can translate what is said. For cost reasons we regrettably cannot provide an interpreter for you. Neither can we offer information in your language on the phone, nor via email.